Elite Capital & Co. Participated as a Sponsor and Guest in the Cities of London & Westminster Conservative Lunch 2023


* Mr. Tony Devenish , Member of the London Assembly for West Central, member of the Conservative Party, and Councillor on Westminster City Council, representing the Knightsbridge and Belgravia ward. * Mr. George Matharu, CEO of Elite Capital & Co.

* Mr. Tony Devenish , Member of the London Assembly for West Central, member of the Conservative Party, and Councillor on Westminster City Council, representing the Knightsbridge and Belgravia ward. * Mr. George Matharu, CEO of Elite Capital & Co.

London, UK (AGENCIES) August 8, 2023 — The Business Relations Department of Elite Capital & Co. Limited, announced that Elite Capital & Co., represented by Mr. George Matharu, has participated as a sponsor and guest in the Two Cities Lunch 2023 hosted by the Cities of London & Westminster Conservative Association.

“The presence of our company at this event was important, especially as the guest of honor was the RT Hon Rishi Sunak MP, Prime Minister and Leader of the Conservative Party,” CEO of Elite Capital & Co, Mr. George Matharu said.

The Cities of London & Westminster is one of the UK’s most active and dynamic Conservative Associations.

Cities of London & Westminster Conservative Association hold regular networking and social events and support political campaigning across the capital and further afield.

Both during and between election campaigns Cities of London & Westminster Conservative Association collect and analyse views on local issues and keep residents up to date with the successes of elected Conservatives that improve their communities. They also help out in marginal seats across the country to help return a Conservative majority Government.

Dr. Faisal Khazaal, Chairman of Elite Capital & Co. Limited, added, “We are always proud to participate in important events in the UK as well as support many public activities that develop and preserve the community”.

His Excellency Rishi Sunak MP, Prime Minister and Leader of the Conservative Party. Guest of Honor at the 2023 Two Cities Lunch

His Excellency Rishi Sunak MP, Prime Minister and Leader of the Conservative Party. Guest of Honor at the 2023 Two Cities Lunch

Elite Capital & Co. Limited is a Financial Management company that provides project-related services including Management, Consultancy, and Funding, particularly for large infrastructure and mega commercial projects.

Elite Capital & Co. Limited offers a wealth of experience in Banking and Financial transactions and has a range of specialized advisory services for private clients, medium and large corporations as well as governments. It is also the exclusive manager of the Government Future Financing 2030 Program®.

Mr. Steven Adriell, Director of the Business Relations Department, concluded this statement by saying, “We would like to thank the wonderful two heads of Elite Capital & Co. Limited, Dr. Faisal Khazaal, and Mr. George Matharu, to continue working to raise the profile of our company not only in the scope of the world of finance, but at local and global levels.”

Two Cities Lunch 2023 – Brochure –


Elite Capital & Co. – Contact Details –

Elite Capital & Co. Limited
33 St. James Square
London, SW1Y4JS
United Kingdom

Telephone: +44 (0) 203 709 5060
LEI Code: 254900NNN237BBHG7S26

Website: ec.uk.com




Elite Capital & Co. Limited

Dr. Faisal Khazaal
الدكتور فيصل خزعل