


Dr. Faisal Khazaal, PhD. LLD. KGCC., Chairman of Elite Capital & Co. Limited

Dr. Faisal Khazaal, PhD. LLD. KGCC., Chairman of Elite Capital & Co. Limited

London, UK (CEO Insight) January 5, 2015 — 1. Can you give us a brief overview of the company’s history and the type of clients it works with?

Elite Capital’s history actually goes back to four years before its incorporation. Following my decision in 2005 and 2006 to move Deals Secure Group Holding Co. GP to the USA, and shortly afterwards my decision to move Dr. Faisal Khazaa, LLD. Law Group LP, a unique professional relationship was forged between our Law Group and the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Orthodox Church, under which we became their legal adviser in the Americas in 2009.

Since then, our relationship with the Church grew stronger and an absolute trust built up between us until, in 2012, I suggested to the Archbishop (Primate of the Americas) that I undertake the incorporation of a company registered outside the USA and outside the Americas the object of which would be to manage a financial portfolio for the Church. Such a step would protect the church from political or business pressure of any kind. That was how Elite Capital & Co. Limited came into existence. At that time, it operated under the name “Legal Escrow Services Limited”.

Elite Capital & Co. offers financing solutions for developing communities and countries by financing commercial, economic, infrastructure and sustained development projects. It is noteworthy that most of the company’s clients are states, civil community organizations and development schemes in addition to the business sector companies and individuals.

2. Who are the main people behind Elite Capital & Co. Limited?

The main people behind Elite Capital & Co. are three:

1. Dr. Faisal Khazaal, Chairman & Funder; Defining the strategic direction of the company and identifying new business channels and opportunities.

2. Mr. Gurdip Matharu, President and CEO; Managing the day to day operations of the company, and performing the functions of Compliance Officer and Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO).

3. Mr. Simon Thomas, Vice President for Finance and Board Member; On-Boarding of clients, providing investment advice where applicable, and receiving/transmitting of orders.

However, The One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Orthodox Church has appointed Elite Capital & Co. Limited (“ECC”) to manage the portfolio of the Church (starting from Monday 6th of January 2014). The funds may be utilized for funding “Green Energy” projects and other similar ventures under the sole discretion of ECC. Note: This appointment was granted to Elite Capital & Co. Limited by the Church’s “Primate of the Americas” and “General Fiscal Agent” in 17th of December 2013.


3. Elite Capital has recently made strategic alliances with organizations in international markets in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and the GCC region. Can you describe a sample of these alliances?

Many of worldwide organisations have become strategic allies in various parts of the world over the past three years. However, I always wish to mention our first strategic ally in the immediate aftermath of establishing Elite Capital & Co. Limited. Tabarak Investment Bank Limited is regulated by Dubai Financial Services Authority and incorporated in the Dubai International Financial Centre. It has been established to provide clients with the highest quality banking solutions. This bank is a client focused organisation which subscribes to the set of core values including accountability, integrity, respect, teamwork, urgency, loyalty, creativity and pursuit of excellence. They are attributes their steady growth to increasing levels of client satisfaction. TABARAK supports its clients to expand and improve their Global Wealth Management and Trading business by providing expert services through a proven and secure platform.

4. Infrastructural projects are one of the company’s areas of expertise. How did this come about?

In the past, countries paid attention on building and there was considerable competition among them with regard to size and appearance. In fact, most advanced economic and industrial countries failed to give sufficient attention to the infrastructure, and infrastructure projects tended to serve their immediate needs at the time, without taking into account future development, population trends and density which affect consumption and industrialization, eventually creating the need for further development and increasing the capacities of factories and economic projects and vertical expansion of the building sector in order to cater for the needs of the increasing inhabitants. This state of affairs eventually forced many nations to re-build old infrastructures. It is at this stage that Elite Capital & Co. Limited comes in because we serve this kind of projects specifically. On the other hand, developing and poor countries are today in a dire need for modern infrastructures for the same reason we see in other countries in terms of rapidly increasing population. Our company offers customized financing solutions that cater for their specific economic needs, taking their economic situation into consideration.

5. Can you outline the financial service that you offer to your various clients?

During the past five years the capacity of global banks to financially support countries and projects that serve the communities and economy of the people has retreated. A new generation of companies that provide sources of funding have replaced banks in this sector without competition. Banks themselves began using these kind of companies for access to proper funding sources to which banks are lacking means of communication. Having the required channels of communication with countries and wealthy resources, this new generation of companies is now considered a tool that can reach into the sources of funding. Among the new generation of these companies is Elite Capital & Co. Limited.

CEO-Insight - January 2015's Cover

CEO-Insight – January 2015’s Cover

Elite Capital & Co. Limited offers a wealth of experience in Banking and Financial transactions and has a range of specialized advisory services for private, SME or corporate clients. Also when required, Elite Capital & Co. can customize and structure their products and services to meet the specific needs of the clients. They will continue to customize, structure, create and implement funding products and services as the need requires. Our services are suitable for all types of Infrastructure Projects in either Greenfield (Pre Operations Stage) or Brownfield (Operations Stage) including but not limited to Sea Ports, Airports, Railway, Bridges, Roads and Highways, Water and Sanitation Utilities, Energy, Communications, Hospitals, Schools and Social Infrastructure etc. This includes other projects or activities that impact positively on the relevant country’s basic infrastructure including the manufacturing of components used in infrastructure (such as cement and steel) and infrastructure associated with mining and agribusiness. A minimum of USD 10 Million and up to 100% of the project’s financial requirement to be supplied up to 15 years for the design, construction and finance component. A maximum of 30 years can be provided for the on-going operation component which in total will add up to the size, loan to value, and terms of the projects.

6. Elite Capital is based in Knightsbridge. What are the benefits of being based in London?

In my opinion, London is at the heart not only of the European but the global economy as well. To succeed, every project should be launched in the United Kingdom before expanding into continental Europe and whence into the entire world. The United Kingdom is a politically and economically stable country, having already experienced various circumstances and shifts in its own domestic economy and in the neighboring countries. Besides, the history of the country and its development over the centuries promotes positive client sentiment if the company has its headquarters in London. We have our offices in Knightsbridge because this prestigious area has a special appeal to the elite among the higher classes of society and businessman who understand the meaning of being located in this area.

— Download copy of the CEO Insight’s interview with Dr. Faisal Khazaal –

Click to access CEOEliteinterview.pdf

— Contact Details —


Elite Capital & Co. Limited
14 Basil Street
London, SW3 1AJ
United Kingdom

Telephone: +44 (0) 203 7555 327
Facsimile: +44 (0) 203 725 9922





Elite Capital & Co. Limited

Dr. Faisal Khazaal
الدكتور فيصل خزعل